About UsCentre of Millets

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About UsCentre of Millets

The Green Hub Foundation (a non-profit organization) is setting up the Centre of Millets, a unique space to educate people about millets' massive health benefits, encourage farmers to grow millet, and develop best practices for millet farming in conjunction with that ideology. Millets are very resilient to adverse weather conditions, which makes them a great crop for resource-poor farmers, and the centre promotes millets to ensure food security and nutrition in addition to increased incomes for them.

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Coarse grains and millets have high nutritional value. They can also withstand adverse agro-climatic conditions. They can be called ‘nutrition rich and climate smart‘ crops. Can we take up a venture based on these? This will raise incomes of some of the poorest of our farmers, and also enhance our nutrition levels. Such products, shall, of course, find resonance across the world.

Shri Narendra Modi

Hon'ble Prime Minister of India
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About MilletsWhat are Millets?

Traditional millets have gained popularity over the past few years due to the healthy food revolution. As health consciousness has increased among people, millets have become more popular due to their nutritional content. They are also gluten-free and boast of being high in protein, fiber, and antioxidant contents. And because millets offer so many benefits, it is no wonder millets have become such a fad among millennials.

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Little Millet

Little millet is suitable for people of all age groups. Little millet is grown throughout India and is a traditional crop. It is mostly consumed as rice. Any recipe that demands staple rice can be prepared using little millet. It has the smallest grains, so it cooks faster than other millets.Little millet has a significant role in providing nutraceutical components such as phenols, tannins and phytates along with other nutrients.

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Foxtail Millet

Foxtail millet has a sweet nutty flavour and provides a host of nutrients and is considered to be one of the most digestible and non-allergic grains available. It contains fibre, protein, calcium, and vitamins. It has double the quantity of protein content compared to rice and helps to control blood sugar and cholesterol. It increases disease resistant capacity when consumed and is considered an ideal food for people suffering from diabetes and gastric problems.

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Kodo Millet

Kodo millet is a repository of nutrients, a great substitute for rice and wheat. It is termed as a wholesome food, prized for its medicinal, therapeutic and culinary properties and is recommended for diabetics, to beat fatigue, heal wounds faster. Being cold in nature, it increases vata dosha but balances issues caused due to kapha and pitta doshas. Owing to their incredible nutritional properties, Kodo millets gained an undeniable slot on the list of super foods in this modern era.

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Barnyard Millet

Barnyard millet is a fast growing cereal. It is grown in less fertile lands where other crops cannot be cultivated. It is a staple food for some communities in India where it is consumed during religious fasting. Barnyard Millet is a fair source of protein, which is highly digestible and is an excellent source of dietary fibre with good amounts of soluble and insoluble fractions.

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Sorghum Millet flour. Popularly known as Jowar in India, this gluten-free millet is recognised to have a significant role in cellular function and repair since it is high in protein, iron, and copper. The abundance of potassium and phosphorous helps control high blood pressure and lower cholesterol. Sorghum millet grains and flour should be a regular part of your diet because they are extremely high in fibre, which is the most crucial factor.

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Good HealthBenefits of Millets

Millets help in weight loss
and control blood sugar
Millets are
a great immunity booster
Millets reduce
cardiovascular problems
Millets help
in preventing asthma
Millets are
great for digestion
Millets have extraordinary
antioxidant properties

Proposed ActionCentre of Millets
for Cultivation of Millets


Proposed ActionCentre of Millets
for Cultivation of Millets

Interventions by GHF's Centre of Millets are designed to encompass a wide range of strategies to help farmers understand the tremendous benefits of growing millets. From use of technologies to support of scientific communities, GHF is determined to reinvent how millets are grown, farmed and harvested, with the vision of helping farmers benefit from the many income-generating qualities of millets.

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a free sample


Centre of Millet will try to provide free samples of all available millets,
up to 2 kg, for experiments and analysis to educational institutes.

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